Jan Kiepura

Jan Kiepura, Singer. A portrait in stage costume. 1935
Jan Kiepura, Singer. A portrait in stage costume. 1935

Table of his career:

16.05.1902       Born in Sosnowiec

1912 - 1916      Business school (His education was interrupted by the First World War)

1916                Member of the secret Polish Military Organisation (Polska Organisacja Wojskowa)

1916                Member of the Free School for Officer Cadets (Wolna Szkoła Podchorążych)

1919                Member of the I. Beuthen Artillery Battalion (I pułk Strzelców Bytomskich)

1919                Takes part in the First Silesian uprising (He was wounded and returned home)

1920                Takes part in the Second Silesian uprising

1920                Returns from the front

1921                A-levels in Sosnowiec

1921                Starts a course of law at Warsaw University

1921                Begins singing lessons under Prof. Wacław Brzeziński

1924                Engaged in the choir of the Warsaw Opera

1924                 Exmatriculated from his course of law at Warsaw University

1925                First public appearances in Lemberg, Poznan and Warsaw

1926                Engagements in Vienna, later Paris and Milan

1927                Recitals in Kraków, Warsaw and Breslau

1930 - 1937      Various films in Germany

1936                Marries the actress and singer, Marta Eggerth

1938                Engaged by the Metropolitan Opera in New York

1940                Emigrates to America

1953                American citizenship

1948 - 1954      Lives in Paris, appearances all over Europe

1965                Guest appearances in Cologne and West Berlin (The Merry Widow)

1966                15th August. Jan Kiepura dies as a result of a heart attack in Harrison (New York)

Additional information:

In 1935 Jan Kiepura gave a recital at the opening of the German-Polish Institute at the Lessing College in Berlin. Joseph Goebbels applauded him from the first row of the audience and directly after the performance he was given a hearty handshake by the Reichsminister Hermann Göring. In the 1930s there were no limits to Germans’ enthusiasm for Jan Kiepura, both amongst the folk and those in power. This changed dramatically shortly before the start of the Second World War.

The Viennese were always enthusiastic fans of Jan Kiepura, and have remembered him with gratitude in their own particular way. One of the streets in the 14th district of Vienna (Hütteldorf) was named “Jan-Kiepura-Gasse” on 12th May 1975

One of the European night express trains run by Polish Railways from Warsaw to Amsterdam via Germany, is called “Jan Kiepura”.

Media library
  • Jan Kiepura in the crowd of fans, 1934

    The singer Jan Kiepura in the crowd of fans gathered in front of the Berlin Opera, 1934.
  • Jan Kiepura on stage, 1935

    Jan Kiepura on stage during the concert in the Marmorsaal of the Berlin Zoologischer Garten.
  • Jan Kiepura at a concert, 1935

    Jan Kiepura at a concert in the Marmorsaal in the Berliner Zoo on 25th February 1935 to mark the opening of the German/Polish Institute in the Lessing College.
  • Jan Kiepura is congratulated by the Reich Minister for Propaganda, 1935

    Jan Kiepura is congratulated by the Reich Minister for Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, 1935.
  • Jan Kiepura bei einer Filmpremiere im Kino "Kurbel" in Berlin, 1935

    Premiere des polnischen Films "Czy Lucyna to dziewczyna" im Kino "Kurbel" in Berlin: Eine Gruppe von Premierengästen, u. a. der Sänger Jan Kiepura (mit Rose) und der Schauspieler Eugeniusz Bodo (mit F...
  • Jan Kiepura during the opening of the German-Polish Institute in Berlin, 1935

    Jan Kiepura during a stay in Berlin, 1935 Kiepura (3rd from left) at the festive gala for the opening of the German-Polish Institute in Berlin. On view among others: The Prussian Prime Minister Herman...
  • Jan Kiepura in Berlin, 1936

    The singer Jan Kiepura during his performance at a reception issued in his honour by the German-Polish Institute in the Berlin Zoo. 1936.
  • The singer Jan Kiepura at a concert, 1936

    The singer Jan Kiepura at a concert in his honour organised by the German/Polish Institute in the Berlin “Zoologischer Garten” in June 1936.
  • Jan Kiepura in Berlin, 1936

    The singer Jan Kiepura during his performance at a reception issued in his honour by the German-Polish Institute in the Berlin Zoo. 1936.
  • Jan Kiepura receives congratulations, 1936

    Jan Kiepura receives congratulations from the wife of the Reich Minister of Labour Seldte after a festive concert in honour of the Polish singer on the occasion of the opening of the German-Polish Ins...
  • Jan Kiepura auf dem Passagierdeck eines Schiffes in Bremerhaven, 1937

    Der Sänger Jan Kiepura (2. von rechts) und sein Bruder, der Sänger Władysław Kiepura (2. von links), in Gesellschaft einer deutschen Journalistin und dem Direktor der Filmproduktionsgesellschaft "Para...
  • Jan Kiepura und seine Ehefrau Martha Eggerth, 1952

    Jan Kiepura und seine Ehefrau die Sängerin und Schauspielerin Martha Eggerth bei den Berliner Filmfestspielen im Jahre 1952.
  • Marta Eggerth-Kiepura, dedication in Młody Polak w Niemczech, 1937

    Marta Eggerth-Kiepura, dedication in Młody Polak w Niemczech, No. 7 of 20.07.1937, page 15, to the young Polish women in Germany.
  • Jan Kiepura - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku"

    In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.
  • Jan Kiepura - ein Star zwischen Phantasie und Wirklichkeit

    Ein neuer Film über den polnischen Tenorstar der internationalen Bühnen.