In 1833, liberals and students attempted a coup in Frankfurt by storming the police stations Hauptwache and Konstablerwache, in which Poles also actively participated.
The artist Angelika J. Trojnarski (born in Mrągowo, Poland, in 1979) often takes up conflicting elements in her work, contradictions that cannot be easily resolved.
Arka (Arkadiusz) Bożek (1899–1954) – activist of the Polish minority in the Oppeln (Opole) region in the interwar period, member of the leadership of the Union of Poles in Germany (ZPwN), well-known s...
After Poland regained independence in 1918, a small group of Polish students (at least 93) remained at the University of Breslau (Wrocław), at that time, the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelm University of B...
After escaping from a conservative Jewish background in the Polish town of Będzin, she led an eventful life shaped by her pursuit of freedom as well as her loyalty to her love and her traditions.
Janina Musiałczyk was born in Kraśnik, in Poland. Since 1981, her drawings, imagery, and paintings have focused on the themes of flight and human relations.
In Eschwege, there is a monument to David Ben-Gurion commemorating his 1946 visit to the UNRRA Displaced Persons (DP) camp, which mainly housed people of Polish-Jewish origin.
In the cemetery of the small town of Bruttig-Fankel on the Mosel river, there are seven stone grave crosses bearing dates of death from March to July 1944