Polish church records from Maczków (Haren an der Ems) 1945-48

The church records from Maczków consist of five bound A4 books (the absence of Polish characters indicates that they were set and printed at a German printing works). They are housed in the archive at the St. Martinus Catholic rectory in Haren:
Liber Baptisatorum (Births and baptisms)
Inscription on the inside cover: Odpis księgi urodzin i chrztów tomu I i II (Copy of Volumes I and II of the birth and baptismal registers)
Total number of entries: 590 (1-111 and 1-479)
Date of the first entry: 1 June 1945
Date of the last entry: 21 July 1948
Marriage banns (Księga czynności przedślubnych)
Total number of entries: 251
Date of the first entry: 3 December 1945
Date of the last entry: 11 August 1947
Liber Matrimonii I (Marriage registers)
Total number of entries: 87
Date of the first entry: 12 June 1945
Date of the last entry: 22 March 1946
Liber Matrimonii II (Marriage registers)
Total number of entries: 201 (numerical from 88 to 289)
Date of the first entry: 22 April 1946
Date of the last entry: 21 July 1948
Liber Mortuorum (Death registers)
Total number of entries: 101
Date of the first entry: 02 December 1945
Date of the last entry: 20 February 1948
Digitised in the Martin Opitz Library in Herne.
Jacek Barski, November 2020