Dworzaczek, Zygmunt

Dworzaczek, Zygmunt (Zygmunt Dworzak), Polish painter, member of the “Munich School”. 1895-1901: Student at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts and the private painting school of Simeon Hollósy (1857-1918). On the 9.10.1895 he enrols in the painting school of Carl von Marr (1858-1936) at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. From 1902: resident in Warsaw. 1919-20: teacher of painting and drawing in Płock. He makes friends with the painter Konrad Krzyżanowski (his painting of Dworzaczek as an old man (1921) hangs in the National Museum in Warsaw). Dworzaczek’s known works include a hunting scene, a study of a boy, and landscapes in a flat Jugendstil. His works can be found in the National Museum in Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.
Group exhibitions: Warsaw: 1900-04 Salon Krywult, 1906 Society of the Friends of the Fine Arts/Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych
Further Reading: Halina Stępień/Maria Liczbińska: Artyści polscy w środowisku monachijskim w latach 1828-1914. Materiały źródłowe, Warsaw 1994, p. 20, 36; Saur Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon, vol. 31, Munich/Leipzig 2002, p. 369 (Dworzak)
Online: Matriculation data base, Matriculation book 3, Academy of Fine Arts Munich, 01428 Sigmund Dworzak, http://matrikel.adbk.de/matrikel/mb_1884-1920/jahr_1895/matrikel-01428
Axel Feuß, March 2017