Niegolewski, Felicjan Antoni Maksymilian

Felicjan Antoni Maksymilian Niegolewski (1868-1919). Polish doctor and member of the Prussian Landtag, 1909-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire
Felicjan Antoni Maksymilian Niegolewski (1868-1919). Polish doctor and member of the Prussian Landtag, 1909-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire

Niegolewski, Felicjan Antoni Maksymilian (Felicyan von Niegolewski), 1903-18 member of the 2nd Chamber of the Prussian Landtag, 1909-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire. *12.10.1868 Niegolewo near Opalenitza/Opalenica, †8.1.1919 Poznan, officer, doctor. Son of the owner of the estate in Niegolewo, Zygmunt Niegolewski (1826-1901). After attending the Maria-Magdalena grammar school in Poznan and the Luisen-grammar school in Berlin he studied medicine in Leipzig, Berlin, Munich and Krakow. After becoming a doctor of medicine in 1894 in Munich he was an ophthalmologist in Krakow, Berlin and Paris. His first practice was in Bytom, but he finally settled in Poznan. During the 1901 Wreschen School Strike he worked on the side of the victims and in 1903 he was summoned before the court for doing so. He was an active member of the Polish Sokół gymnastic club and was the president of its support group. In 1906 he was an editor on the newspapers Kurier Poznański/Poznan Courier and Orędownik/The Advocate. In February 1909 he was elected as a member of the Polish parliamentary group in the German Reichstag for the constituency of Schroda-Schrimm/Środa Wielkopolska-Śrem with a majority of 77.65%; in January 1912 with a majority of 78.05%. He served on the special committees for health provision, account commissions, filter flasks, population policy and disciplinary processes. During the First World War he was active in supporting homeless Polish citizens and veterans. picture: 1907. Own writings: Die Ehrlich'sche Granulation der weissen Blutkörperchen bei einigen Tierspecies, Dissertation Munich 1894.

Further reading:

Reichstag-Handbuch, 12. Legislaturperiode (Nachtrag), Berlin 1907, 13, 31 (picture); 13. Legislaturperiode, Berlin 1912, 328, 485 (picture); Reichstagsprotokolle 1895-1918, Register 234, 314a; A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 77, 176.

Online:, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online
Internetowy Polski Słownik Biograficzny.

Axel Feuß, October 2016

Link to the minutes of the Reichstag (Riegolewski!):