Donimirski, Teodor

Teodor Donimirski (1805-1884). Polish lawyer, lord of the manor, member of the Prussian United Landtag and the Prussian National Assembly, 1867 member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation
Teodor Donimirski (1805-1884). Polish lawyer, lord of the manor, member of the Prussian United Landtag and the Prussian National Assembly, 1867 member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation

Donimirski, Teodor (Theodor von Donimirski), 1847 member of the Prussian United Landtag, 1848/49 member of the Prussian National Assembly, 1867 member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation. *25.10.1805 Telkwitz/Telkwice near Altmark in Westpreußen/Stary Targ, †1.5.1884 Telkwitz, lawyer, lord of the manor.  Son of the county commissioner Antoni Donimirski (1767-1829), father of the member of the Reichstag, Antoni Donimirski (1846-1912). Estate owner at Telkwitz. After attending grammar school in Braunsberg/Braniewo he studied law and fiscal accounting in Breslau, Bonn and Berlin. Subsequently he worked in the state administrative office and for the justice department in Marienwerder. During the 1848 Revolution he was one of the founders of the Towarzystwo Pomocy Naukowej dla Młodzieży Prus Zachodnich/Society for Aiding Young Polish Males in Western Prussia in Culm/Chełmno, which gave grants to Polish students and school students in their final years at grammar schools: and between 1862 and 1884 he was its President. In 1863 he supported the Polish January Uprising. In 1866 he was one of the co-founders and shareholders in the Donimirski, Kalkstein, Łyskowski & Co bank in Thorn. It gave financial help to farmers in need and later became the Federal Credit Bank in Pomerania. 1867 he was elected to the constituent Reichstag of the North German Confederation for the constituency of Marienwerder-Stuhm and subsequently joined the Polish parliamentary group. picture: 1884, 

Further reading:

Hirth's Parlaments-Almanach, Ausg. 1, 2, Berlin 1867, 26; Ausg. 5, Berlin 1867, 108; Reichstagsprotokolle 1867-1895, Register 1;

Online:, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online

Axel Feuß, March 2017

Link to the minutes of the Reichstag: