Mieczkowski, Władysław

Mieczkowski, Władysław, 1907 Member of the Reichstag of the German Empire. *10 February 1877 Nieciszewo near Pruszcz Pomorski, Bromberg District, †6 April 1959 Barzkowice (Gmina Stargard Szczeciński), landowner and lord of the manor, lawyer, banker. Son of the landowner and lord of the manor Stanisław Mieczkowski (1844-1917) and his wife Helena, née Donimirska (ca. 1849-1917). Attended grammar school in Chojnice and Chełmno, school-leaving certificate in 1896. From 1897, studied law in Kraków, Berlin, Leipzig, Paris and Wrocław. 1901 Doctorate in Rostock. Legal clerkship in Schwerin and Hanover, 1905 ‘assessor’ exam in Berlin, then lawyer in Poznań in the chambers of Bernard Chrzanowski (1861-1944), who later became a member of the Reichstag. In January 1907, he was elected member of parliament for the Polish Party in the German Reichstag, with 70.4% of the votes in the constituency of Krotoszyn, but resigned his seat on 28 October 1907. 1908 Member of the Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk/ Poznań Society of the Friends of Science. 1909 Founding member of the Polskie Towarzystwo Demokratyczne/Polish Democratic Society; known as a political speaker against the anti-Polish policy of the Reich government. 1918 Member of the workers’ and soldiers’ council and of the Polski Sejm Dzielnicowy/Polish Provincial Parliament in Poznań. From 1918, he worked in the banking sector and held various positions in the Banking Federation Bank Związku Spółek Zarobkowych SA. 1918-24 City council in Poznań. 1923 Refused an appointment as deputy Minister of Finance. In the same year, he was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. 1924-34 Deputy Director of Bank Polski in Warsaw, later National Bank of Poland. 1934-39 Lawyer in Poznań. When German troops invaded Poland in 1939, he was at the family seat in Nieciszewo but later went to Warsaw where he worked for Towarzystwo Kredytowe Przemysłu Polskiego/Credit Society for Polish Industry. After the Warsaw Uprising was quashed, he was interned in Pruszków and Częstochowa. At the end of the Second World War, he opened a law firm again in Poznań.
Das Delikt des § 189 StGB (Beschimpfung des Andenkens Verstorbener), Dissertation, Rostock 1901
Literature: Reichstags-Handbuch [Reichstag Handbook], 12th legislature, Berlin 1907, 322, 487 (Figure); 12th legislature (Addendum), Berlin 1907, 11; Reichstagsprotokolle [Minutes of the German Reichstag] 1895-1918, Register 238; Polski Słownik Biograficzny, Volume 20, 1975, page 732
http://zhsf.gesis.org/, Parliamentarian portal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online http://www.reichstag-abgeordnetendatenbank.de/ http://www.reichstagsprotokolle.de http://www.sejm-wielki.pl/b/dw.51989
Axel Feuß, January 2021
Link to the Minutes of the German Reichstag: http://www.reichstagsprotokolle.de/treffer.html?anfrage1=Mieczkowski&bu…
(All links last retrieved in January 2021)